Asset Management

Villa Civil offers asset management services to optimize the management of municipal assets. Villa Civil’s approach staff provides a municipal perspective that addresses unique needs, ensuring management strategies are innovative, adaptive, and resilient. Villa Civil Services helps municipalities make informed and sustainable decisions for infrastructure assets and their corresponding maintenance programs. Villa Civil provides asset-tracking solutions, data and trend analyses, and streamlined decision-making processes. 


Projects Highlight:

 City of San Diego | Channel Prioritization Project

Villa Civil conducted annual channel site inspections with City of San Diego staff at approximately 207 City-controlled channels to assess channel conditions and gather site information. Site visit information was uploaded from the field into a central web-based platform to score and track sediment deposition, vegetation growth, and other flooding factors that may contribute to flooding. This allowed City staff to track asset conditions over time seamlessly. 

In addition, as-builts were collected and reviewed to determine to perform the prioritization hydraulic analysis annually. This effort helped City staff identify locations that required priority cleaning and maintenance in order to mitigate flooding concerns. Project deliverables comprise database updates, maintenance frequency summary and scoring sheets, and H&H summary results, including suggested maintenance frequency exhibits for each channel segment.